Impact and Responsibility
Our mission is to become the most responsible version of ourselves through informed action and honest, transparent communication. We are on this journey together.
At HOLMEN CPH, we recognise the inherent tension between our responsibility towards the environment and our mission to create modern uncompromising merchandise that inspire. We also recognise our role in creating a lasting and meaningful improvement for our communities and the environment. We have a responsibility to promote more sustainably. We aim to be fully up to date in sustainable practices.
An integral part of our impact and responsibility initiatives is to openly communicate our achievements, challenges and goals. We are fully aware of the ever-greater responsibility we take on with growth. While our presence increases, we can take solace in the fact that our products are becoming less impactful on a yearly basis, with constant improvements to the materials, processes and partners we work with.
Packaging plays a vital role, it ensures our products can be delivered to customers across the globe in perfect condition. Our packaging solutions are constantly updated to ensure they meet our evolving standards. Packaging made from non-renewables like our plastic bags is being replaced with less impactful alternatives.
If you have any questions or feedback, please send us an email at